WEST-RU invests in New Level of Project Management
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
We are pleased to announce that we increased our competence in Project Management to provide our customers with higher level competence and quality of project execution. In January 15 of our employees were extensively trained and gained knowledge in strategic planning, innovative management, project calculation and risk management, etc. These courses were conducted by an international organization and they all received the appropriate certificates. This know how will allow us to provide better project execution, fulfill projects at a higher quality and in time.
In conjunction with we have implemented in 2014 companywide a modern Project Management Software (Projektron) and are able to initiate, execute and monitor our projects very efficiently. This tool allows us to support all activities in planning, communication, project- and risk management as well as project calculation.
Both steps allow WEST-RU to meet the high expectations of our customers in today’s complex international automotive projects.